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Advanced Issues Concerning the Lemmatisation of the Old English Graded Adverbs (pp. 9-39)

Yosra Hamdoun

University of La Rioja


Lemmatisation is still a pending task of historical linguistics, which makes the contribution of a fully lemmatized corpus a necessary source for the study of Old English. This paper aims at presenting the lemmatisation of the Old English adverbs in the comparative forms attested in The York-Toronto-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Old English Prose. This constitutes a pilot study on the assignment of a lemma to an Old English non-verbal category. The starting point has been the automatic extraction of the attested forms assigned the tags ADVR and ADVS. In a second step, each attested form has been manually assigned a lemma provided by the lexical database Nerthus. Finally, the results have been checked against two other sources, namely The Dictionary of Old English and Seelig’s (1930) work on Old English comparative adjectives and adverbs, both of which have contributed to the refinement and completion of the analysis. Overall, this study offers a methodology for lemma assignment that has been proven feasible for the lemmatisation of a non-verbal category and may be applicable to other non-verbal categories.

Keywords: lemmatisation; superlative; comparative; Old English; corpus linguistics


Yosra Hamdoun Bghiyel is a research assistant and a PhD student at the Department of Modern Languages of the University of La Rioja. She graduated in English Studies and in the Master’s in Advanced Humanities studies at the University of La Rioja. She has presented several communications at international conferences. She is the author of two articles in specialized magazines and of a book’s chapter specialized in the evolution of the morphology, syntax and semantics of Old English.

e-mail address: yosra.hamdoun@unirioja.es


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