Zelda Fitzgerald’s Magazine Articles in Spain: La vida moderna (2019) and Other Publications (pp. 147-157)
Vanesa Vázquez-Novo
University of A Coruña
Zelda Fitzgerald (1900-1948) started her literary career as a magazine article writer. However, rarely were these articles credited to her since they were either published as by Scott Fitzgerald or as by Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald. Her increasing popularity from the 1970s has led several feminist scholars to focus on her life and work, but little in-depth analysis about her magazine articles has been hitherto published. In fact, the four Spanish publications reviewed in this note——“Zelda Fitzgerald: La realidad como fantasía artística” (2003), “La lucha de Zelda Fitzgerald por convertirse en artista” (2012), La vida moderna (2019), and “‘Hermosa y maldita’: La prosa miscelánea de Zelda Fitzgerald” (2003)—provide readers with a vast amount of information about Zelda’s life; yet, as this note attempts to show, most of them lack a thorough analysis of Zelda’s magazine articles. Thus, the aim of this work is to explore these publications in order to decide to what extent they acclaim Zelda as a competent author—and, particularly, as an article writer.
Keywords: Zelda Fitzgerald; magazine articles; Modernist women writers.
Vanesa Vázquez-Novo is a scholar and teaching assistant of English as a Second Language and English Grammar at the University of A Coruña (Spain). Vanesa was granted a 3-year pre-doctoral fellowship by the regional Government of Galicia in May 2018. She has participated in different international conferences such as the “Gender and the Graphic Novel Symposium”, held at the University of Barcelona in March 2019, the “14th International Conference of the Spanish Association for American Studies”, held at the University of Salamanca in April 2019, and the “43rd AEDEAN Conference”, held at the University of Alicante in November 2019. Vanesa has worked as a Spanish Language Assistant at Wootton Upper School and Kimberley College (UK) in 2017 and 2018. She has also done research as a Visiting Scholar at the University of California (Santa Barbara) from August to October 2019. She is currently working on her PhD Dissertation, and her research interests include: Modernist women writers, female (auto) biographies, and trauma studies.
e-mail address: vanesa.vazquez.novo@gmail.com
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